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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 294 The Last One
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Before reaching Starfall, Archer visited ten more churches, relieving them of their gold and treasures.

Perched in a large tree, he overlooked the road leading to the capital.

He received a message from the girls, informing him that they were feeling much better now and that Ella had already begun preparing dinner.

While he sat there, he observed dozens of caravans coming and going, including rookie adventurers venturing into the forest.

Soldiers marched past, and church officials rode on horses, going in all directions. As he watched them, he chuckled, knowing that he had stolen a significant amount of their gold.

Yet, there was one more place he wanted to visit, the capital's church. He was aware that even more gold awaited him there.

After observing the road for a while, he stood up, spread his wings, and jumped off the branch.

He landed on the ground with a thud, then continued walking while brushing off the dust as he returned to his humanoid form.

But this time Archer didn't hide his features so he kept his horns and tail out as he approached the outskirts of the bustling city of Starfall his steps slowed and his breath caught in awe.

The grandeur before him was unlike anything he had ever witnessed. Towering stone walls surrounded the city, adorned with intricate carvings.

The gates were massive, decorated with ironwork that gleamed in the sunlight. Stepping through it, his eyes widened.

Archer saw a city sprawled before him in a mesmerizing display of medieval fantasy.

Cobblestone streets wound between rows of shops and stalls, where merchants peddled their wares to passersby.

Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, representing the various guilds and factions that called the city home.

However, what truly seized Archer's attention was the heart of the city—a sight that left him breathless.

In the heart of Starfall, a marvel defied the laws of nature, a massive floating island, adorned with the imperial palace.

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The island hovered majestically in the sky, casting an otherworldly shadow over the city below.

Held up by strange magic that no one can understand, the island floated as if a part of the sky came down to touch the ground.

The palace atop the island was a spectacle of opulence and grandeur. Its towering spires reached toward the heavens.

Its walls glistened in the sunlight, decorated with intricate carvings that told stories of valor and history.

He stopped walking as he looked around and spotted a guard, Archer made his way over to him and asked him a question. ''Excuse me. Do you know the way to the Church of Light?''

The guard looked at him before replying. ''Why do you want to know boy?''

Smiling as he answered. ''I want to pray to Darikha for his blessings.''

When the guard heard him he nodded and gave him the directions. ''It's close to the Western gate. You won't miss it once you get close.''

He thanked the man and started to make his way to the church. After walking for some time he saw it in the distance.

The building's walls were smooth and looked like some kind of marble-like stone, sunlight played upon surfaces.

Its entrance stood as a masterpiece, with ornate doors that seemed to cost a lot. Archer couldn't help but pause, eyes wide with wonder as he absorbed the spectacle before him.

He noticed the church's windows held more than ordinary glass; they were crafted from stained glass portraying scenes of ethereal beauty.

Spires of the church stretched toward the sky, each appearing to reach for a higher realm, he had a feeling there was loads of treasure inside and wanted it.

He approached the church with a smile as he activated his draconic form and tried to step through the entrance but two guards stopped him.

''Why is a lizard coming to the main church on Plouria? You're not welcome here, now go.'' One of the guards spoke as Archer was walking.

When he heard them he grinned even more before replying. ''Well, your church has been hunting me for years. Ever since I was a little dragon and now I'm here to pay a visit to your vault if you don't mind me.''

Before the guards could react he cast Crown of Stars, the violet motes instantly appeared and shot into the knight's foreheads.

They dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Pleased with the outcome he strolled into the main church on Pluoria as he cast Solar Flare Barrage and Crown of Stars again.

When more knights spotted him they rushed at him but the two spells instantly shot out and pierced their forehead.

Archer made sure his Anti-Magic was activated as he was walking. That's when he turned a corner he was hit by a barrage of spells.

But they bounced off him causing the church mages to panic as he cast Blink and appeared near them.

He lashed out with his claws and tail as he took out some of the mage's legs dropping them to the ground.

Once they dropped he plunged his claw into them, he continued doing so under the horrified gazes of the church mages.

With a guttural growl, he lunged at the remaining humans, his tail lashing out like a coiled viper.

Tipped with razor-sharp barbs, struck the nearest mage with blinding speed. The mage's protective shield shattered on impact as his tails sunk deep into their chest.

A choked gasp escaped the mage's lips as they crumbled to the ground, life force ebbing away.

At the same time, Archer's sharp claws moved like daggers as he cut down more humans while the last mage fired his spells at him.

But they did no damage as they bounced off him as he got closer, The human was wide-eyed and trembling, and tried to back away, but he was much faster.

With a swift, fluid movement, he closed the gap and lunged at the mage, claws extended. As he was attacking them the spells he cast kept firing until they ran out.

The clash was over almost as quickly as it began. They lay defeated, their magic extinguished, and their bodies bore the unmistakable marks of his ruthless attack.

Archer looked over the scene with a grin, he was excited to finally deal with these pests. But he wasn't alone in his revenge.

He opened a portal and five of the girls appeared behind him. Teuila looked around and commented. ''So you're already here my dragon? Why didn't you call for us earlier.''

The other girls nodded but Nefertiti spoke up. ''Yes, you should have contacted us, husband. You haven't met any other girls have you?''

When he heard her his eyes narrowed as he answered. ''No. I've been visiting churches taking their gold.''

Sera quickly announced. ''Is our horde big Arch?''

He looked at her and nodded his head with a smile, they all greeted him with a kiss before Ella asked. ''What is the plan? Looking for their treasures?''

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Archer grinned when he heard the half-elf word which got him even more excited.

Hemera laughed when she saw his reaction as she commented. ''My love, I can hear more knights coming from both sides.''

He calmed down as he stopped laughing and acknowledged the girl's warning as he turned to face the ones coming from the front.

As they rounded the corner Archer took a deep breath as his chest began to glow with an electric blue light, growing brighter and more intense with every passing moment.

The air around him crackled with energy, and the knights hesitated, sensing the imminent danger.

Then, with a mighty roar, he unleashed his Thunder Breath—a torrent of pure electrical force that erupted from his mouth in a brilliant arc.

The electric shockwave crackled through the air, illuminating the church courtyard in a blinding display of blue and white.

The knights, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, were engulfed by the electrifying blast.

Their armor offered little protection against the raw power of the Thunder Breath.

Sparks flew as the lightning danced across their armor, finding any opening to deliver its shocking fury.

Some knights were thrown back by the force of the blast, their bodies convulsing as the electricity coursed through them.

Others fell to the ground, their armor smoking and crackling from the residual energy. The thunderous roar of the attack echoed through the area, drowning out the knights' cries of pain.

Meanwhile, as the lightning crackled and surged, the girls sprang into action.

Nefertiti's fingers danced in intricate patterns as she channeled her magic, conjuring dazzling bolts of Arcane energy that streaked through the air, finding their marks among the bewildered knights.

Teuila, on the other hand, moved with grace, her sword a blur as she engaged the knights in close combat.

Her strikes were precise and deadly, each swing finding a gap in their defenses. Her sword emitted a faint blue glow thanks to her using her Aquarian magic.

Ella was sending non-stop mana arrows hurtling toward them and struck true as every shot was a headshot.

While all this was happening Sera turned into her dragon form and pounced at the confused knights and tore into them.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]