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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 293 There's No Good Or Bad
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Once he said goodbye to Hemera he opened a portal back to the church, when he walked out he saw a dozen church knights.

Archer looked around with a smile as he spoke. ''Have you not learned yet? You know what fuck it.''

He whispered to himself. ''Draconis.''

His draconic features appeared. However, as the knights stepped closer, Archer lunged into action.

With a powerful beat of his wings, he closed the distance between himself and the knights in an instant.

As he flew closer, a strong wind knocked some of the humans off their feet. Swiftly, his tail lashed out through the air like a striking serpent.

It struck with incredible precision, knocking weapons from hands and causing knights to stumble and fall.

The impact was swift and disorienting, leaving them struggling to regain their footing.

As they tried to rally, Archer's claws came into play. He lunged forward, he slashed through armor and chainmail as if it were paper.

The sound of metal meeting scales resonated through the air, punctuated by cries of surprise and pain.

Archer's movements were a blur of speed and precision. He targeted their weapons, rendering them ineffective, and aimed for gaps in their armor with unerring accuracy.

The knights' attempts to counter his assault were futile, their training no match for the sheer power and skill of the dragon before them.

Within moments, the confrontation had turned into chaos for the knights. Some attempted to flee, while others tried to regroup and mount a defense.

But Archer was relentless, his focus unwavering as he swiftly killed each one with a combination of tail strikes and claw slashes.

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The clash was over almost as quickly as it had begun. The once-confident group of church knights now lay defeated their armor battered and broken.

Blood pooled on the floor as Archer was standing there covered in blood. He cast Cleanse on himself and made his way inside the church.

He also cast Stone Warden and ordered the little loot goblins to take everything of value from the church under the horrified gazes of the remaining priests and nuns.

After an hour of looting the Stone Men returned holding dozens of chests. Such a sight got him excited.

They placed them down in front of him one by one as he stored them in his Item Box and decided to take all the church's riches from here to Starfall City and maybe further.

Once he stored everything he waved to the remaining humans and made his way out of the church.

With a flap of his wings, he took to the sky and went searching for the next one. Archer flew for an hour until he saw a lone church outside a town.

He repeated the same thing but this time no one joined him after he dealt with the knights that guarded it.

The Stone Men looted as Archer waited outside. He saw a large group of children with a young man hiding.

When he spotted them he made his way over to them and spoke. ''Are they feeding you children?''

One fluffy-haired blonde girl walked out with a confident stride and stopped in front of him as she spoke. ''They give us one sometimes two meals a day.''

The young man tried to stop her but Archer stopped him as he pulled out some chocolate he had in his Item Box.

He handed it to the little girl as he spoke. ''Would you little humans like to have three meals a deal and a safe space to play?''

When the girl heard him she looked up at him and spoke. ''But you're a dragon. You are a bad man.''

Archer smiled as he crouched down to talk to her, but when he did that two more children walked out of the group.

One little boy and another little girl but she was an elf, they stopped near the first girl and asked. ''Mr, can we have some of that please?''

He nodded his head as the first girl gave them some, once that happened the others swarmed her.

Archer stood up and used Mana Manipulation to lift the girl out of the crowd, she looked so flustered as he placed her down near him.

After doing that he turned to the chocolate-loving gremlins and spoke. ''Line up and everyone will get some.''

They did as they were told as Archer handed each one some chocolate. The young man and other humans watched on in shock.

The little girl walked up to him. ''You didn't answer my question dragon.''

He looked down at the little blonde girl with a smile as he answered. ''There's no good or bad in this world. Everything is grey little human. Life isn't as simple as that, some people will think I'm evil while others don't.''

She looked confused but kind of guessed what he was saying and nodded her head as she spoke again. ''Okay, I want three dinners a day.''

He laughed at her comment and quickly agreed. He looked at their carer and inquired. ''Are you coming? You're their carer or I have other people who can do it instead.''

The man didn't answer and stood there silent, Archer shrugged and opened a portal to the new mansion.

He ushered the children through, and as they stepped into it they were all shocked. Over a hundred of them started getting excited.

Before they could rush off Archer stopped them. The little blonde girl looked up at him and spoke. ''My name is Mia. What is yours?''

He looked at her. ''Nice to meet you, Mia. I'm Archer and this is my domain, you will be safe here and be able to eat all the time.''

Her little blue eyes widened just like the others, he was about to speak until they all heard Helen's voice. ''Archer. Where did you get these children from?''

When he heard the woman he turned around to answer. ''Another church. But their carer didn't want to come so here we are.''

Helen looked at him and sighed before replying. ''Lucky we have so much space otherwise we wouldn't be able to house them all.''

Archer smiled and spoke. ''Well if you ever need any more space just tell me and I'll create more.''

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That's when he remembered he didn't build a schoolhouse, he closed his eyes and imagined a basic school with a few classrooms.

A large wooden building appeared shocking Helen and the children. They looked at him like he was some sort of monster.

Archer laughed before ignoring their looks as he went to find Silvia. After searching for a while he found her talking to an older man.

When she saw him she smiled as she spoke. ''Back so soon Archer? Oh, a lovely man named Jethro brought some food for us which was lovely.''

He laughed but shook his head as he replied. ''I brought more children, can you get them settled and I'll check up on them later?''

She nodded her head and went to sort them out as he opened a portal to the church. When he stepped out people were still around but most vanished.

Archer made his way into the church and did the same thing. After an hour they returned with fewer chests this time but still a lot.

He stored them all in his Item Box before taking off and searching for more. Archer did this for days and looted dozens of churches.

At this point he gathered hundreds of children and their carers into the domain, the girls woke up during this but rested as they were still aching.

By the time he entered the central Duchy, the sun rose in the sky. Archer was standing on the top of a mountain overlooking the lush green fields with farms dotted here and there.

Archer's gaze swept over the sprawling landscape that unfolded before him. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm, golden light that painted the world in hues of amber.

As his eyes wandered across the scene, dotted across the rolling hills and fertile valleys were an array of farms.

Neat rows of crops stretched out like vibrant patchwork quilts, swaying gently in the breeze. Lush fields of wheat, corn, and barley rustled as if whispering secrets to the wind.

Orchards heavy with ripening fruit added splashes of color to the landscape, and here and there, clusters of sunflowers turned their faces toward the sun.

Archer's gaze shifted to the farmers tending to their fields. Some were guiding plows drawn by sturdy beasts, while others worked the soil with practiced hands.

After watching them for a while he jumped off the mountain and started flying toward the city he saw in the distance.

He thought back to everything his done in the last couple of days as he traveled through the Summerfield Duchy and ruined all the churches there.

Now he wanted to do a few more here before heading to Starfall City.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]