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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 287 College Of Magic (2)
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Chapter 287 College Of Magic (2)

Samara looked at her Father and replied. ''Is it true that Ksara abused Larka's son?''

When the men heard this they were shocked and didn't think she would find out but Samara's Father Eldric Grayleaf a Duke in the Avalon Empire sighed.

He watched his daughter, so different from her older sister Ksara. She wanted to be a warrior, and he made her dream come true.

Eldric hired the best teachers and trainers for Samara who loved every lesson and has become a seasoned warrior for the empire.

The older man sighed before answering his daughter. ''Yes, it is true. Duke Ashguard admitted it to the emperor a while back.''

Samara's eyes widened as she found herself internally cursing her sister for the way she had treated the boy.

Their encounter had been brief; she had met him only once when he was a mere two years old, while she herself had been eleven at the time.

The blonde woman sat down before her Uncle Kaelen Grayleaf spoke. ''The boy was banished from the Ashguard house and decided to become an adventurer but ended up becoming something entirely different.''

The young woman got curious and asked. ''What do you mean Uncle?''

Kaelen went on to explain everything they'd heard about the boy and the information that the Silverthrone family gave them.

Samara went silent and started thinking to herself before her Father spoke. ''The other families are waiting to see what the boy is like before making any moves.''

She nodded and continued talking to them as she wanted to know more about Archer.

[College of Magic - Spellcraft Classroom]

In a classroom in the college, a woman worked inside an amazing-looking classroom. At the front of the room, a massive obsidian desk stands, adorned with runic carvings that seem to pulse faintly with their own magic.

Behind the desk, a Manaboard stretches the length of the wall, but instead of using chalk, the teacher had to use a little bit of mana.

Floating orbs of luminescent energy serve as both light sources and visual aids, showcasing detailed magical charts and illustrations.

Rows of lavish desks curve in a crescent shape, each chair inscribed with glowing sigils to improve focus and learning.

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The ceiling seems to vanish into a night sky filled with stars, their soft glow providing an otherworldly illumination.

From time to time, spectral creatures flit through the starry expanse, casting a faint, beautiful shimmer upon the room.

Before the college started in a month's time the teachers were called in to start planning their lessons.

So one of the college's Spellcraft professors was sitting in her new classroom planning out lessons for the upcoming S-class students.

She had flowing brown hair with the greenest eyes. If Archer saw her, he would notice the resemblance to his father.

Her name was Jade Ashguard, the younger sister of Duke Leonard Ashguard and Archer's aunt.

Jade taught Spellcraft to the college's highest-ranking classes. She loved her job and didn't have time for anything else.

As she wrapped up her paperwork, a knock sounded at the door.

''Come in.'' She spoke while she put down her last it of paperwork.

The door opened and she saw the Headmistress's assistant stepping in and passing her more paperwork.

When Jade took them she started going through them and saw a name that made her stop for a moment and said out loud. ''Archer?''

The assistant agreed, "Yes, ma'am. It's Archer Ashguard. The emperor wants him and his girls to join the college."

Jade was shocked as she hadn't heard anything about her nephew in years, the last she heard was that he was injured in the family test.

She got out of her seat and thanked the assistant before making her way to the headmistress's office.

Jade navigated the corridors and noticed a jaguar woman with green hair, someone who seemed to have a role in the ongoing situation.

Her sister Janna was married to her older brother Leonard. So Jade quickly spoke. ''Gianna wait.''

The woman stopped and turned around with a smile on her face, her yellow eyes glowed as she spotted Jade.

Gianna's jaguar tail was swaying behind her. Jade looked at the new teacher. She smiled as she spoke. ''Did you hear about brother's son? He may be joining the college.''

The green-haired teacher got confused and quickly asked. ''Yes, there are seven Ashguard children joining this year.''

Jade shook her head as she answered. ''No there's an eighth. It's little Archer.''

Gianna's eyes went wide as she remembered the quiet boy who was into books and asked. ''He's what sixteen now? What happened to him?''

She shrugged and suggested they head to the Headmistress and ask her about the boy.

After the two women walked for a while they ended up in front of Ophelia's office and knocked on the door.

That's when they heard her voice telling them to come in. They walked in and saw the headmistress filling out some forms.

She looked up and saw them and sighed as she spoke. ''I knew you two would show up. Sit down let me explain everything, seeing as the two of you don't know what's happened.''

A couple of hours passed by as Ophelia explained everything she knew about the boy and why everyone was hearing about him.

She told them of his adventures in the southern part of Pluoria and what he's been up to on his way north.

The two teachers left the office with confused looks on their faces, they said goodbye and made their way to their classrooms.

[Silverthrone Mansion - Starfall City]

Larka sat in her Father's study, her broken demeanor evident to him, a woman who had done so much wrong in her life.

Silent contemplation painted his expression, a blend of emotions dancing across his features.

The weight of the moment compelled him to break the stillness with a sigh, his voice gentle yet searching. "Larka, what is it that you seek to uncover?"

She lifted her gaze to reply, "How has he been? Has he suffered any harm?"

Albert? took a thoughtful sip of his Dragonfire Whiskey before continuing, "He is well and unharmed."

But he continued to speak as he knew that's what she wanted. ''Well he's been enrolled into the College of Magic but it's unknown whether he will accept it. Rumors speak of the emperor blessing the engagement of Archer and Sia.''

Larka's eyes widened as she mumbled to herself, "She was serious.''

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Turning her gaze toward Albert, she spoke, "Father, what are you going to do?''

The older man chuckled before answering, "Why not let the two marry? He's a rising star and will become someone special one day."

Upon hearing this, a pang of pain struck her heart, and she realized that it was her fault that things had ended up this way.

She regretted how she had treated Archer, and the memory of the look in his eyes that day shocked her to her core.

Lifting her gaze to meet her father's, Larka implored, "Can you help me make it up to him?"

[Church of Light branch - Starfall City]

Archbishop Hadwyn sat amidst the serenity of his garden, the fragrant blooms offering a brief respite from his duties.

In the midst of this tranquil scene, a messenger suddenly appeared. Hadwyn's wise gaze settled upon the boy, his words measured and deliberate.

"Come forward, child."

The young man stepped into the presence of the Archbishop, his demeanor respectful as he offered a bow.

"Archbishop. The white dragon has been spotted within the southern part of the Avalon Empire. The commander of the Legion of Faith seeks your permission to launch an attack."

A spark of determination ignited in Hadwyn's eyes. Finally, an opportunity to confront the menace that had eluded him for far too long.

Rising from his seat, he took a purposeful step forward, his fingers closing around the messenger's shoulder.

"Tell the commander to proceed with unwavering resolve. Spare no effort, and ensure that this time, the threat of that dragon is decisively dealt with."

The young man nodded his head and rushed off to deliver the message.

[The Legion of Faith -? Summerfield Duchy]

Hidden behind boulders that littered grasslands waiting for the white dragon, the church spy alerted them to his journey north.

They scrambled into place and waited but the dragon still hadn't arrived so they set up camp and put guards on watch.

After resting they waited again and were joined by some Dragon Hunters that were close by and were ordered to help the Legion.

A day later the spotter saw the dragon in his human form coming toward them. The Bishop who was a High Mage was going to take on Thorin Ashguard and the rest would engage the dragon.

Some wanted to kill him while others had different motives and wanted to capture the boy.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]