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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 285 Maybe One
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Chapter 285 Maybe One

Hecate smiled and replied, "The potions are progressing nicely. I'm thinking of getting some new potion books to explore new recipes. Would you be willing to assist me?"

Archer nodded, recalling the old woman's store in Vessia City. After sharing his plan, they waited briefly so the shops would be open before he cast the Gate.

The portal materialized in an alley near the bookshop "Witch Way Out." They stepped through, greeted by a city that was just starting its day.

Taking in the new surroundings, Hecate observed her surroundings. Archer reached for her hand and guided her toward the shop's entrance.

As they approached the door, he reached out for the handle and opened it, inviting them both inside.

When the two entered a soft, enchanting aroma lingered in the air, adding to the mystique of the place.

At the counter stood a young woman with bright eyes and an eager smile. She looked up from her book as the chime of the door signaled their arrival.

Archer's gaze briefly scanned the room, noticing Gallaka wasn't here. A hint of curiosity flickered in his mind, but he quickly dismissed it for now.

Turning his attention to Hecate, Archer spoke softly, "Feel free to explore and find the books you're looking for. I'll be around if you need anything."

She nodded, her fingers lightly brushing against his for a moment before she headed towards the shelves, her curiosity piqued by the collection of books.

As the elf was looking for books, Archer quickly ate some of the hearts he had his loot goblins collect from the previous fights.

He ate until he couldn't anymore and felt sick but didn't want to throw up inside the shop and quickly cast Gate to the dining hall in the Ashguard castle.

Archer threw up, after he was finished he wiped his mouth and started to check his status.

[Experience: 500/20000]

[Level Up: 342>345]

[Sp: 64>170]

[Strength: 7200>7500]

[Intelligence: 6760>7240]

[Dragon's Domain: 3>4]

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When he saw the amount of Status Points he started to upgrade his status. Archer looked up and saw Hecate piling loads of books on the counter.

The shopkeeper looked confused but just watched her grab more books. Shaking his head with a smile as he went back to upgrading.

[Hp: 8500>8700]

[Mana: 42000>42600]

[Strength: 7500>7700]

[Constitution: 6500>6700]

[Stamina: 6700>7000]

[Charisma: 5850>6050]

[Intelligence: 7240>7540]

Happy with his upgrades Archer walked over to the counter when he noticed Hecate had done choosing books.

When she saw him a smile appeared on her face as she spoke. ''I'm done, Arch.''

He nodded and turned to the shopkeeper. ''How much?''

She shook her head and answered with a confused look. ''Nine hundred gold coins young master.''

He took out a pouch from his Item Box and gave it to her before storing the books away.

The couple left the shop and made their way back to the alley, but stopped when he smelled some food that he wanted.

He grabbed Hecate's hand and dragged her over to the stall. Where there was a man who was cooking some meat skewers.

Archer noticed that there were loads for sale so he decided to buy them all, after handing over the gold he dragged the moon elf to a potions shop he saw across the road.

When the couple entered they started to look around. The atmosphere hums with the fragrance of rare herbs and magical concoctions.

Shelves adorned with shimmering bottles of various shapes and sizes line the walls, each containing vibrant liquids that seem to pulse with hidden energies.

Crystal vials catch the sunlight streaming through stained glass windows, casting multicolored shades across the room.

The two of them walked up to the counter and asked the man behind it to buy as much as the shop could sell.

When the shopkeeper heard Archer he looked doubtful but soon shock replaced that when he showed the man a considerable pouch of gold.

The man and his assistant ran around gathering up ingredients and placing them into crates that he would store.

Hecate was confused but stayed silent. She didn't want him wasting so much gold on her and he soon noticed the look on her face.

Archer approached her and grabbed a hold of her hand causing her to look at him as he spoke. ''My moon what is bothering you?''

She didn't want to answer but he encouraged her to speak her mind so she did. ''I don't want you wasting so much on me.''

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and questioned her. ''Who are you to me Hecate?''

When she heard his question Hecate was confused but answered. ''Your fiance?''

Archer nodded and continued. ''And what do partners do for each other?''

''I don't know Arch. Tell me.'' She said just wanted to get this over with.

He sighed but told her. ''You're my woman and if buying all this will make you happy so be it. It's not like there's more gold out there. I'll just clear out the bandits in the Avalon Empire.''

Hecate nodded her head in understanding with a smile on her face. The two continued to chat as they waited for the shopkeepers to gather everything.

After half an hour they were done and Archer was charged twelve hundred gold coins.

He stored everything and left the shop. The couple walked into a nearby alley and he opened a portal back to the domain.

When they appeared in Hecate's lab, he started unloading all the stuff before leaving but as he said goodbye the moon elf jumped him.

She started kissing him and going for his neck while thanking him. As the two were caught up in their passionate moment Eione appeared but was silent.

The maid just watched until they were done which wasn't long. Archer soon left the lab as Hecate turned to the maid with a smile on her face.

Eione couldn't get used to the princess's smile lately. She has never seen her this happy apart from the times she had those dreams.

But she shook her head and started helping her unpack everything.

After Archer left the lab he found the girls lazing around, they all greeted him as Hemera spoke. ''Where did you go? I couldn't find you?''

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He looked at the sun elf with a charming smile. ''I took Hecate to Vessia City to buy some potion books and ingredients.''

When the knowledge-loving geek heard he got new books she rushed off to the lab to check out the new stock after kissing him.

Nefertiti, Teuila, and Ella wanted to visit their Mothers. Talila wanted to go see Cecelia, while Sera just wanted to be a lazy dragon.

Archer just looked at them and shook his head with a smile. ''Just send me a message when any of you want to join.''

They all nodded and kissed him before going off to do their own things. He opened a portal to the tent they pitched to hide the domain from Thorin.

Once he stepped through the portal and made his way out of the tent to see his uncle drinking some tea while sitting on a stump.

He quickly put away the tent and walked up to the man who was staring at him. Archer quickly spoke up. ''What are you looking at old man?''

Thorin laughed before answering the mouthy little boy. ''Where did you go last night? You lot weren't in the tent.''

He looked at him with a grin. ''Maybe one day you'll find out.''

The man shook his head as he chuckled. ''You're not like your Father, which is a good thing.''

Thorin finished his tea before putting the fire out and pulling out the magic carpet again. Archer got on it and relaxed as they took off heading north.

[Unknown location in the Avalon Empire]

An unknown man was sitting at the head of a large table as his followers were reporting to him.

''My Lord. The white dragon has returned to the empire. The king's right-hand man Thorin Ashguard is traveling with him.'' One of the cloaked men spoke with a clear voice.

The leader nodded his head as a woman started talking. ''We have a group in the city coming up my Lord. Should I order them to make their move?''

''Yes make sure to take him alive. We need him unharmed as much as possible otherwise the experiment won't work.'' The Lord commented.

The woman bowed and made her way out of the hall to see to her job. The Lord stood up and started speaking to the others.

''Our time has finally come Once we get the boy we can start the experiment and use his mana heart to power it. But we will only get one chance at this and if we fail he will know someone is after him.''

All the figures nodded their heads as one man spoke. ''What will we do with Thorin Ashguard? He's a High Mage while the boy is strong for his age.''

The leader grinned and told the man, "We've got some people on our side, and they gave us a device to stop the boy from turning into a dragon. Plus, the commander can handle Thorin."

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]