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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 282 The Princesses [Bonus]
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Chapter 282 The Princesses [Bonus]

[Naravo City, the capital city of the Lionheart Kingdom - West of the Avalon Empire]

Aslan Lionheart stood outside the palace, his gaze resting upon his children. The second and fourth princes, Lioran and Solan, and his daughters, the third and fourth princesses, Nala and Liona, were all in his view.

He spoke. ''My cubs you will do well in the College of Magic, especially you girls. They have good combat and magic teachers.''

They all nodded as he continued. ''That's where I met your mother years ago. She was from a noble family in the Avalon Empire. It's a good academy and this year the Nightshade Empire from the central continent is hosting a worldwide tournament called the Celestial Magic Tournament next year.''

Nala got curious and her lion ears started twitching as she asked. ''What's that father?''

Aslan smiled. ''Nala its a once in a lifetime tournament to find out who is the strongest youngster from the five continents is. The last time it was held there wasn't a winner as the Human-Draconic wars broke out and interrupted it.''

The three teenagers' eyes widened and they waited for him to explain, but he ushered them into the carriage and joined them.

When he sat down he continued. ''The white dragon king was young at the time so the stories say, but he was soaring through the ranks until his kingdom was attacked and unfortunately, he perished during the long war.''

Nala got a curious look on her face and was about to speak when he interrupted her. ''Before you ask, yes the rumors are true and there is another white dragon. The Avalonians have been chasing him in the south. But I also heard that his returning to the empire and most likely will be joining the College.''

Aslan looked at Nala and winked. ''He's your age girl, try to get along with him.''

Nala smiled as her sharp canines were on show.

[Woodspire City, Capital of Oakheart Kingdom home to the Wood Elves, North-West of the Avalon Empire]

Queen Sylphina Oakheart stood in front of her palace, gazing at her son and daughter who were preparing to attend the College of Magic.

Her hair flowed in cascades of rich brown, resembling the waves of chestnut hues.

It framed her face delicately, and her attire resonated with the essence of Aztec culture, harmoniously complementing her deep blue sapphire eyes.

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Assured of their safety, she knew the College's Neutrality and the mana oath taken by the headmistress ensured the protection of all attending children.

The Avaloians abided by this agreement, reaping substantial amounts of gold coins through the accompanying trade.

Sylphina turned her attention to Llyniel, offering a warm smile as she spoke, "Take care of yourself, my little acorn. The guards will ensure your safety."

She smiled at the two as she continued. ''They have been trained for this mission. The four of them will make sure you are always protected.''

The loving mother turned to the boy and spoke to him. ''Alaric make sure to keep your sister safe. You know people will try to take advantage of her kind nature.''

He nodded his head as he replied. ''Yes, mother. I will protect her along with the guards.''

When Llyniel heard this she got embarrassed, Sylphina noticed this and giggled to herself as she cuddled her daughter.

''You will be fine, I know you hate talking to people but when you do open up you're the kindest soul I've ever known.'' She comforted her daughter who was nodding.

The Queen then backed off and smiled at the two as they got into the waiting carriage, but she quickly spoke. ''Make sure to come back for the holidays my darlings. I'll miss you.''

Llyniel and Alaric smiled as they waved to their mother as they started moving, they were escorted by the finest woof elf knights.

Sylphina made sure to train the best soldiers she could find to make sure they are safe. She watched them go but never realized that her daughter's fate just changed and she would eventually bloom.

[Caerwyn City - Capital of the Avaloch Kingdom - East of the Avalon Empire]

King Ronan Avaloch and Naomh Avaloch were watching the maids bringing their children's belongings to the carriage.

The older woman turned to him. ''They will be safe at the College won't they?''

Ronan looked at his worried wife and nodded his head. ''Yes. The war was stopped thanks to the negotiations. Plus the Avalonians swear a mana oath not to touch the children.''

Naomh nodded her head with a sigh of relief. That's when their oldest daughter Maeve approached them.

The young woman had bright orange hair and grey eyes, she looked like a warrior and was built like one.

They saw the expression on her face, showing that she was curious about something. Naomh asked her, "Maeve, what's troubling you?"

''I heard rumors that the white dragon will join the College. I'm hoping he will fight me.'' She answered with a grin.

Ronan shook his head as he scolded her. ''You're the third princess of the Avaloch Kingdom why do you have to think about fighting all the time.''

Maeve rolled her eyes as she replied. ''Father, I refuse to be a damsel in distress that needs to be saved.''

The king sighed as he saw his other daughters walking up to them. They were the complete opposite of Maeve and were into magic.

Naomh saw the two other girls and smiled as she greeted them. ''Caoimhe, Siobhan. I hope you're looking forward to attending the College like your aunts did.''

The girls nodded their heads with excitement. That's when Ronan commented. ''See Maeve they are ladylike and are like two fairies. You should be more like them.''

Maeve turned to her father with narrowed eyes and retorted. ''No. They will need saving while I'll fight. I don't want a pampered noble as a husband, I want a warrior.''

Ronan gave up on his feisty daughter and ushered the three girls into the carriage before she attacked him.

The parents waved goodbye and sighed. He turned to Naomh and said, "At least now we won't hear her complaining about the soldiers being weak anymore."

[Sirenia City - Capital City of the Vitalis Kingdom - South-West coast of the Avalon Empire]

King Caspian Vitalis and his Queen Aria were saying farewell to their three sons and daughters.

They were attending the College of Magic, the children were invited by the Headmistress and were well aware of the mana oaths the empire and college have to take so they felt better.

Caspian looked at his sons and spoke. ''Make sure to do the kingdom proud and show the Avalonians that the Vitalians are not to be messed with, and make sure Aurelia is safe.''

The three nodded, Aria walked over to them and kissed each on their forehead as she spoke. ''Finnian, Nereus, and Calder make sure she doesn't get in trouble.''

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The oldest of the three brothers stepped forward and answered his mother. ''Yes Mother, we will look after her.''

She smiled at her sons and went to hug Aurelia, who was waiting with a small smile before speaking. "I'll miss you, Mother, but I'll be back soon enough. I hate being away from the sea for too long."

Aria replied, "I heard the sea in the Avalon Empire is beautiful. Make sure you go there sometime, my darling."

She nodded before her father approached and spoke, "Aurelia, I hope you enjoy yourself and make some friends. I know you and your brothers will make it into the tournament and make the kingdom proud."

After saying their goodbyes Aurelia and her brothers got into the carriage to start their journey north.

[Luminara City - Captial of the Moonwood Kingdom - North-East of the Avalon Empire]

Queen Amara Moonwood was a rabbit demi-human who ruled over the Moonwood Kingdom in the north.

Her daughter had been offered a place in the College of Magic due to her magical abilities and fighting prowess.

Like the other kingdoms, she was aware of the mana oaths and felt confident that her two sons and daughter would be fine.

Amara walked through the Royal Palace on her way to see her children off for a year, until they would be allowed to return home for a holiday.

The Moonwood Kingdom felt a sense of relief as the threat of war was averted, and the Empire extended an olive branch, even offering a spot for royal children in its well-known college.

She soon arrived in the courtyard and saw her two sons engaged in conversation, while her daughter Eveline sat by a water fountain, playing with the water.

The three noticed her arrival and greeted her with smiles. She spoke, "You three, enjoy your time at the college. I've heard many good things about it, and I hope to see you in the Celestial Magic Tournament."

Amara turned to Eveline and looked at the white-haired girl who loved to fight, she grinned as she spoke. ''Girl I heard the white dragon is going to the college. Make sure to fight him.''

Eveline grinned and nodded her head as she answered. ''Yes, Mother I will.''

After talking for a little while longer Amara led the way to the carriage and sent her three children off with six specially trained guards.

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