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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 229 Earthquake
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Archer soared westward for several hours, his keen eyes scanning the landscape below.

However, to his annoyance, he found that the scenery remained unchanging, just as it had been when he first took flight.

They flew over cities, towns, and small villages causing panic, while he flew Archer decided to check his status.


[Experience: 3200/20000]

[Level Up: 207>254]

[SP: 30>114]

[Hp: 6000>6500]

[Mana: 28150>30150]

[Strength: 4850>5350]

[Constitution: 4750>5250]

[Stamina: 4900>5400]

[Charisma: 4300>4800]

[Intelligence: 4460>4960]

[Anti-Magic: 0>1]

[Crown of Stars: 2>3]

[Chain Lightning: 1>2]

[Solar Flare Barrage: 1>2]

[Frost Nova: 0>2]

[Stone Warden: 2>3]

[Azur Comet: 0>1]

[Mana Manipulation: 0>1]

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[Aura Detector: 5>6]

When he saw his status he decided to spend the points after seeing if the girls were okay, Archer turned his head and saw them lazying around chatting.

Sera was laying on his neck stretched out like a cat, he turned his head back and started upgrading his stats.

He put twenty points into each stat apart from Constitution and Charisma which got seven each.

[SP: 114>0]

[Hp: 6500>6700]

[Mana: 30150>30750]

[Strength: 5350>5550]

[Constitution: 5250>5320]

[Stamina: 5400>5600]

[Charisma: 4800>4870]

[Intelligence: 4960>5160]

Archer calculated that he had earned 1,841,200 experience points from all the kills and felt pleased with his progress.

Just then, his Dragon Senses kicked in, and he swiftly cast the Cosmic Shield around the girls as boulders hit him with incredible speed.

Archer was knocked off course by the large boulders and began hurtling towards the ground.

In a swift, instinctive motion, he spun his body, positioning himself to shield the five girls with his wings, protecting them from danger as they fell.

The impact was earth-shattering, creating a massive crater, dust, and smoke engulfed the area.

Sera crawled out from under Archer's limp wings, shaking her head as she surveyed their surroundings, realizing they were in a deep hole.

The other girls stood up one by one, and Sera transformed back into her humanoid form, approaching Archer's head.

They noticed that he was unconscious but still breathing, and saw that his wings were damaged.

Some of his scales were cracked, and a few of his horns had snapped off. Sera walked to his side trying to wake him up.

But that soon changed as he opened his stared at her as he raised his head and shook it.

Archer saw that he was at the bottom of a crater, he saw the girls were okay and sent them all back to the domain as his Aura Detector started to warn him.

The girls were angry but knew they stood no chance with the number of giants coming their way, he quickly climbed out of the crater when they were gone.

As he did a giant closed in on him, Archer took a deep breath and fired a dragon's breath into its chest.

With a resounding thud, the creature crumbled to the ground, but in its place emerged more adversaries.

Undeterred, Archer charged ahead, displaying the agility of a large cat, leaping and clawing at the giants with remarkable speed and grace as he took many of the creatures out.

He spent over a week hunting down giants and creatures of the swarm until he came across a large stone passageway in the western mountains.I think you should take a look at

Archer had been going back to the domain every night to see the girls, and initially, their anger toward him was understandable.

However, thanks to Hemera's defense of him, they eventually calmed down and became more understanding.

She managed to convince them that he was doing it for their own safety, the first time he returned to the domain each girl gave him a kiss and pampered him.

He stood in his humanoid form at the cave entrance, flanked by Hemera and Teuila, while the other three girls were back in the domain, helping out there.

Hemera spoke, "I've never heard of a large cave like this in the western region before. Do you think this is where the giants came from?"

Teuila nodded and added, "We have nothing like this in the south. Father would have sent a message. But the entrance is big enough to fit them."

Archer remained silent, and the two girls noticed his demeanor, prompting Hemera to ask, "What's on your mind, Arch?"

He replied, avoiding direct eye contact, "I'm getting an eerie feeling from the tunnel. There seems to be a large space beyond it."

At that moment, several pings emanated from the tunnel, and Archer swiftly began casting Celestial Arrows.

Like homing missiles, the arrows zoomed toward the odd-looking Ratlings and Rat Orges, bringing them down like sacks of rice.

The two girls were astonished, Teuila looked at him and inquired, "How did you know they were coming?"

Archer glanced at his ocean princess and replied, "I have a skill that allows me to pinpoint where they are coming from."

Just as he was about to proceed toward the entrance, an idea struck him, and he instructed the girls to wait while he opened a portal and jumped into it.

Archer reappeared in the library and made his way to the Earth Magic section, pulling out a book he remembered buying.

After finding the book he was searching for, he read the title, "Earthquake."

He returned from the portal and started reading the spellbook. After a couple of hours, he successfully mastered the spell.

[Earthquake learned]

With a smile, Archer addressed the girls, saying, "Follow me, ladies. Today, we will deal with this threat and then head to Hemera's home to celebrate."

They nodded in unison and began walking down the tunnel, with Archer and Hemera continuously casting spells to take out the numerous creatures that came their way.

Ratlings, Rat Ogres, Blightborns, and Fiends were swiftly cut down, and Teuila skillfully handled any sneaky assailants that attempted to approach them.

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For several hours, the trio continued this relentless assault. Archer employed a combination of Celestial Arrows and Crown of Stars, effectively eliminating the assassin-like Ratlings.

The girls contributed to the fight as well, with Hemera's sun magic burning through dozens of creatures.

Eventually, they reached a vast open space deep within the earth, with dark tunnels extending into the distance.

The ground trembled under the onslaught of more incoming creatures, causing Archer's Aura Detector to go haywire.

To counter the swarm, he unleashed a barrage of spells. Celestial Beams, Celestial Arrows, Frost Novas, and Eldritch Blasts, all aimed at the approaching horde.

Hundreds of creatures were killed in the wake of his powerful magic. Teuila dutifully protected the two as their spells caused explosions, further decimating their foes.

He cast Stone Wardens, and the formidable Stone Men emerged, rushing into the heart of the battle with their massive arms swinging forcefully, sweeping away the swarm.

Amidst Archer and Hemera's relentless barrage of spells, explosions continued to erupt all over the battlefield, creating a chaotic scene of immense power.

They noticed even more creatures pouring out of the other tunnels, Archer opened up a portal and told the girls to enter.

The two of them reluctantly agreed and entered, when they did he turned to the incoming creatures and cast Void Blaze.

It washed over the swarm and burned them to ashes, he quickly cast Thunderwave as a few creatures lunged at him.

"Thunderwave" Archer said, and a powerful shockwave rippled through the cavern, knocking the creatures away in all directions.

In a swift move, he cast a new spell, "Earthquake!" The ground trembled and quaked beneath him, and the entire cave shook violently.

Rocks and stalactites fell from the ceiling, and cracks spread across the ground. The creature's angry roars turned into terrified cries as they struggled to stay on their feet.

Some were swallowed by the collapsing ground, while others were crushed by falling debris. The once endless swarm was now scattered and weakened.

Archer watched as chunks of rocks and stalactites started to collapse, sealing off all the dark tunnels that led into the heart of the cavern.

The cave trembled with each resounding crash as tunnels collapsed one after another.

Terrified cries of creatures filled the air, growing louder as they realized their escape routes were disappearing rapidly.

The once formidable horde was now trapped,  With the cave on the brink of destruction, Archer knew he had to act swiftly.

With swiftness, he cast Gate, and a shimmering portal materialized before him. Without hesitation, Archer leaped through just as the final tunnel collapsed.

The quake's force sent shockwaves through the portal, but he emerged unscathed on the other side.

Standing outside the cave, Archer witnessed the mountain trembling with the aftershocks of the collapse.

The once-dark entrance to the cavern was now buried beneath tons of rubble, forever sealing the creatures within.

But Archer wasn't finished. He chanted, casting Meteor Swarm, and fiery rocks fell from the heavens, visible for miles around.

As they plummeted, he whispered to himself, ''Draconis.''

His wings appeared, and he swiftly took off, flying away from the incoming explosion, which arrived seconds later.

The shockwave enveloped him and sent him crashing to the ground, only coming to a stop when he used his claws to come to a stop.

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