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A Demon's Journey

Chapter 529 The Flame Storm
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Bryon flew some distance away from the battlefield where the two Demon Emperors fought against the three Archangels.

He pulled out his bow and cocked his arrow before stretching his bowstring. It had been nearly three whole minutes since he stretched his bowstring, and the power of his arrow had significantly boosted.

In fact, this was the first time Bryon held out his bowstring for more than two minutes. This arrow had drained him of all his Ardor and Bloodline Energy, but he was sure that it would kill whoever he targeted.

His target was none other than Esther, who held the Judgement Trident.

Bryon's bow held the lock-on ability. Meaning that Esther could never escape this arrow if she was in this world.

Bryon launched that arrow. The arrow covered the massive gap between Bryon and Esther within the blink of an eye.

However, its speed wasn't fast enough to bypass Esther's senses. She sensed that arrow as soon as Bryon released it.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that this arrow couldn't be dodged. Thus, she wasted quite a bit of her time moving out of the way. It wasn't until she saw the arrow had drastically altered its route and was still after her that she realized its true power.

Esther saw a shadowy aura in the distance and was sure that it belonged to one of those human experts they had killed earlier.

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'It seems one managed to survive,' Esther thought as she brandished her Judgement Trident.

The middle prong of the Trident released a mysterious red-colored beam as it struck the arrow. That reddish beam was filled with destruction law personally added to the Judgement Trident by the Radiant God.

Esther could sense a deadly aura from that arrow and didn't want to take any risk. The arrow was filled with an unreal aura, and it managed to slice apart that red beam to move forward. However, as it resisted that red beam, its body was slowly destroyed before it eventually shattered.

Bryon, flying in the distance, was stunned to see Esther destroying his arrow containing all his power. It made him understand the true difference between him and an Archangel possessing a God-Ranked Weapon!

Now that Bryon had revealed himself, Esther wasn't going to let him go. She immediately glanced at her fellow Archangel, who had recently gained the Twin Daggers, and ordered her, "Go and kill that human expert!"

Bryon's concealing skill was quite good, but those twin daggers could release large area-based attacks and engulf the entire area in deadly flames and terrifying lightning!

Most importantly, this Archangel hadn't gotten used to fighting with those twin daggers in a group. She was more of a nuisance than a helper. Esther had to keep an eye on her to ensure that this Archangel wouldn't hit her allies.

It was more troublesome to keep an eye on her than to fight the two Demon Emperors.

Once she was gone, the Archangels began to completely suppress the Demon Emperors. This was all because the Radiant God had been kind enough to gift them rare Demon Suppressing Artifacts that even affected Demon Emperors.

And now that the new Archangel was no longer inhibiting Esther and her comrade, it made sense that the two began winning again.

However, Esther kept watching over her surroundings. She recalled the Radiant God's words, who mentioned that the Reincarnated Tyrannical Asura Devil God might make a move against her during their next battle.

She had to remain very attentive. This was also the true reason why the Radiant God injected the power of his laws within the Judgement Trident.

In the meantime, the two Demon Emperors were gritting their teeth with frustration. They had already utilized their domains and were fighting as best as they could with their weapons, but it was just too difficult to defeat these Archangels.

The Demon Suppressing Artifacts had significantly reduced the power of their attacks, making it impossible for the Demon Emperors to counter the Archangels.

They noticed that the human's surprise attack had failed.

Bryon shouted out while amplifying his voice with his Ardor, "Why is the Lamhilhan Theocracy attacking my Kingdom?! We should be united against the demons! I wish to accompany you to fight the demons if you promise to return after these Demon Emperors die."

Esther was instantly furious upon hearing those words. She shouted back while amplifying her voice, "Shut up! You have a lot of nerve to say that while collaborating with the demons! We have received news that there are a lot of deadly demons staying in the Glerian Kingdom. The Radiant God has been kind enough to take the responsibility of purging those demons, but you power-hungry humans can't let go of your power! It is because of you that the citizens of your Kingdom suffer from the raids of those demons!"

Bryon snorted in disdain and responded instantly, "The Lamhilhan Theocracy shouldn't talk about demons in the Glerian Kingdom. I reckon it hasn't even been two weeks since hundreds of demon groups suddenly emerged in the Lamhilhan Theocracy's territory. I wonder where those demons were staying. There is no way the Radiant Church wasn't aware of their location, so why didn't the Radiant God act earlier?! Don't tell me that the demons and celestials were collaborating?!"

Esther yelled out angrily, "SHUT UP! You dare slander the righteous and noble Radiant Church! You deserve a thousand deaths for those words!"

Bryon smirked as he dodged another attack of the Archangel he fought while responding to Esther with a laugh, "Your attack on the Glerian Kingdom is entirely unjustified. You are trying to expand your territory by using the demons as an excuse. Is the Radiant God trying to breach the Ancient Treaty between Humanity and the Celestials? You shouldn't try to expand your territory, or else you will suffer the consequences."

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Esther was really furious when she heard those words, but she swallowed her words. She couldn't reveal the presence of Tyrannical Asura Devil God!

Seeing that Esther was silent, Bryon believed that he managed to guess it right and continued, "I will be sure to inform the human experts that the Radiant God is breaching the Ancient Contract. I wonder if the Radiant God would dare to step onto Frascoia Continent when the human experts slaughter you all. My guess is not. That coward won't dare to leave his shithole."

Esther was so angered by those statements that she turned her head in Bryon's direction and planned to launch a deadly attack on him.

However, turning her head away from the ongoing battle was a blunder on Esther's part!

The Serene Ghost Demon Emperor immediately stabbed her body with the Shadow Dagger! Esther was shocked as the Serene Ghost Demon Emperor's dagger stabbed into her chest!

She managed to use her Holy Ardor to prevent it from reaching her heart, but the deadly poison of that dagger paralyzed her body temporarily.

The Judgement Trident fell out of her grasp, and the Yin Devouring Demon Emperor approached her with a massive smile on his face.

The Yin Devouring Demon Emperor planned to suck all her vital force. This vital force would allow him to get stronger and gain some immunity to the Luminous Energy! This was one of the abilities of his Yin Devouring Demonic Technique!

If he absorbed laws other than the Yin laws, the Yin Devouring Demon Emperor would gain immunity to those laws.

Moreover, the pure power of the vital force would remain the same and be added to the Yin Devouring Demon Emperor's core.

However, the new Archangel who was fighting Bryon suddenly intervened. She launched a massive flame storm that revolved around Esther.

This flame storm prevented the Yin Devouring Demon Emperor from moving any further. Those were Holy Flames. He would die if he entered that Holy Flame Storm.